Computer History Museum

Information: Emma Koslow

Fun Facts: 
·   The museum was established in 1996 in Mountain View, California
·   In one section of the museum, there is an incredible exhibit that shows the history of computers in the last 2000 years.
·   There were old arcade games, super computers, typewriters, and many different artifacts that come from the origin of the development of the computer.
·   There was also a part of the exhibit that should how computers were used during war times and for medical procedures.
·   In another exhibit, the history of software development and examples of software were showcased.
·   There were sections about the software behind Wikipedia, coding, and even World of Warcraft.
·   In the exhibit, there were computers around the area that allowed visitors to be able to make basic programs using block-based programming languages.
·   One of the coolest parts of the museum was the display that allowed visitors to enter a Google Self-Driving Car. You were permitted to sit in the vehicle and show what it would be like to drive in the future when these cars are fully developed.
·   The museum also had many interesting demo labs. One of them was a demo that showed a simulation of one of the original IBM computers. It even included keypunchers and printers from the 1960’s!
·   Another demo lab was with a mini computer from the 1950’s. It showed graphics and games that were on the original computer and what it was like to use on of the first modern-like, graphic computers ever created.

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